Sunday, October 17, 2021

Bring on the Hallmark Holiday Movies!

Yesterday my friend sent me the upcoming Hallmark Countdown to Christmas schedule. My first thought (for about half a second) was, “Christmas movies, already? Really?” But then, something happened. My inner ELF pushed her way past my “It’s Fall Y’all” hoodie-wearing state of mind, announcing with glee, “OMG… OMG…its HERRRRE!!!!”. (Picture Gollum’s joy when he finally takes back the Ring from Frodo in Mount Doom in Mordor- 1:27 into the above link). 

Odd that I visualize Gollum jumping up and down in delight after biting off Frodo’s finger as I think of my inner elf…but…well…it is…what it is. Unfortunately, if you’ve never seen Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, then my analogy makes no sense and you will have to accept that I am very excited to see the Hallmark schedule because it means that Christmas in on its way!

In all transparency, my inner elf is always hanging around somewhere just waiting to pop out. While there are some who would argue that Halloween hasn’t even arrived, I live in a world of Christmas planning at least 9 months out of every year. No, it’s not about being “extra”, I just LOVE Christmas. The weather, songs, holiday spirit, baking, crafts, closeness with friends and family…especially the time with my family. By the time the holiday actually rolls around, I sit back sipping my Cosmo, sympathetically listening to all my friends complaining that the season snuck up on them and they have no idea what to do...while visions of sugar cookies dance in my head.

Given that we only have 9 weekends left until Christmas Day (I know…it’s okay, breathe) I’m going to help you out. Come back here for a visit between now and December 25th to find simple decorating ideas, gifting favorites, special recipes and a few “extras”.  

Please share your stories and let me know if something I posted was helpful to you. It will bring a season of joy to my Christmas Critter heart.  

P.S. For the Hallmark Checklist App, follow this link.

#teacakesntidbits #hallmarkchannel                             

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