Sunday, November 17, 2019

Its Been Too Long

Yes, I've been out of pocket for awhile. The truth of the matter is, I lost my spark for writing. One day I just didn't enjoy it anymore and wanted to do other things. For the past three years I've traveled the US, I took up quilting and hat making, wrote a cookbook, survived menopause and I'm dealing with all of the gravitational changes that happen when a woman passes into her 50's.  

Now that the spark is back, its time to bang out some new ideas and hope that you find inspiration, feel empowered or simply be entertained.

There is not enough space to capture all that has changed over the past three years. For me personally, I have grown as a person and a professional. I am still with the same least parent company. We did move to Pennsylvania a couple years ago as a result of a position change. After 10 years of flying across the US, I was ready for some normalcy in my daily routine and while I still cross much of PA on a regular basis, it is not nearly as taxing as that of my road-warrior companions whom I have shared many air-travel war-stories.

A few major things that happened in the past few years included the addition of two daughter-in-laws, an engagement (wedding is in May 2020), the loss of some close family members, including our beloved dog Burton, who inspired a few of my earlier posts.

Grandchildren???....only the furry kind, but I am patient. I've accepted that we live in a different world nowadays. Young women are as successful, if not more, than their spouses. I am filled with pride that my sons married...and will marry...such extraordinary women. Grandchildren will simply have to wait. :)

That's the quick and dirty update. On to the many areas that I want to write about in the coming weeks and months - holidays, entertaining ideas, recipes, weight (gain and loss), travel destinations, new interests, movies, books, decorating, Pennsylvania...beautiful PA, crafts, and so much more. 

If you enjoyed visiting my blog before, you shall not be disappointed to add it back to your bookmarks and join me once again. I've even made it a little easier, you can add my site address to your favorites - I hope to post a couple times a week. My creative juices are flowing...look out!

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