Friday, April 22, 2016

Shopping Just Got Easier

I'm guessing that my Saturday is similar to most of my girlfriends - coffee followed by the list of errands and chores that must be accomplished so that Sunday can be a focused on family, faith, and recharging the battery before a new week begins. 

If you are like me, even an extra hour back on a Saturday is a blessing. Well, I have found that extra hour (or more) in the form of online grocery shopping. Its not just for the rich and famous any more (I write that only halfway joking). Last week I read that my local Walmart was now offering on-line shopping. I typically stay away from Walmart on a Saturday, I prefer the smaller grocery stores to the mammoth-size Walmart variety, but they found a way to get my business by appealing to two things I value ...convenience and quality of my time.

How was my first experience? All the cold items were cold, the fruit and vegetables looked great, and the meats were bagged individually and separately from the rest of the order, There were a couple of missing items BUT I was given a 1-800 number to call if there were any problems and I could not have had a more pleasant customer service experience. The price of the items was credited back to me and for the inconvenience I was given a 10.00 grocery credit on my next order. The most amazing part of the experience was the cost savings! I had no idea how far I deviate from my weekly grocery list. Using the on-line app I just choose what we need and I am not distracted by impulse buys. I can even see what I am spending throughout the entire process. 

Will I use the service again? My order is already placed, I did it this morning while I was snuggled up in my jammies drinking my morning coffee and listening the the birds chirping. No stress, no crowds, no lines! I selected the time I would pick my order up and I was done. The icing on the cake was that I spent half of what I normally do at the grocery store. Cha-Ching!

If the service is in your area and you want to try it out you can use the link for a first-timer $10.00 discount. Now to decide what FUN to have with the time I just got back...Cheers! ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Famous Brownie Recipe Revealed

After 25 years of making arguably the very best brownie know to man, I thought it would be fun to share the "secret recipe". I have no doubt that ANYONE can make this recipe. The success is mostly in following the directions, exact measurements, and patience. If you are lacking in the ability to do any of these, just have someone make them for you. Here you go! Enjoy the brownie by itself or live on the edge and add some Vanilla Bean ice cream to it. DELISH!!

2  Boxes of Pillsbury (Family Size) Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix
4  Eggs (regular size)
1-1/3 C. Vegetable Oil
1/2 C. Water
***Baker's Secrets


1) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
2) Combine all ingredients
3) Mix until all ingredients are combined thoroughly
4) Prep a 13x9 inch baking dish with non-stick spray
5) Pour the prepared brownie mixture into the baking dish
6) Bake for 30-45 minutes***

***Baker's Secret #1- Your brownies will not be ready after 30 minutes but this is where you begin watching them closely. Using a butter knife, gently press it in to the center of the brownies and pull it up slowly. If there is batter on the knife, the brownies are not ready. Add 5 minutes longer to the time and then check again when the timer ends.  Continue to check every 5 minutes until the blade of the knife is clean.

*** Baker's Secret #2 - Make these with love. Every batch that I have made, and there are too many to count, has been made with a love for bringing joy to people. I've been told that they can "taste" the love in every bite.

Enjoy the recipe. I have tested 20 or more recipes in my baking lifetime and none have ever received the praise of this recipe.

Happy Baking! ;)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Hide and Seek

Had to share this adorable story.  
The pups found a toad in the pool today. First Peka (the Husky) tried a taste of the little hopper. She quickly spit it out, only for Burton (the Labrador) to take his own turn at sampling it. He didn't like the way it tasted either. The clever little toad not only got away but found a place to hide that Burton couldn't figure out... right in the center of his back. It was hilarious!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fun Little Project

My quilt project is on hold this weekend. I miscalculated the amount of border fabric I needed and now must wait until my Amazon order arrives next week. Its times like these that I consider that Amazon Prime account...however, had I gotten the instant gratification of a Prime account, I would be quilting today and would not have had an opportunity to just play in my sewing room.

I think my project turned out pretty cute. Just a little bag that, in this case, can be taken on the golf course, carry lunch to work, or just be a catch-all for girlie goodies.

If you have a couple free hours, two "fat quarters", and a little bit of patience, you can make up one of these adorable bags for yourself...or maybe give one to a bestie as a cute gift. Hummm...I like that idea! 

Here is where I found the pattern.  Have fun! ;)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A New Hobby

I was cruising around Pinterest last summer and found myself drawn to quilt patterns...simple ones...the kind a 10-year-old could crank out if given a sewing machine and some fabric. Still, as I was pinning table runners, baby quilts (less overwhelming that a queen size version), and various blocks into a new folder aptly titled "Quilting", I convinced myself that quilting might be a fun hobby and a new outlet for creativity.
After some time on YouTube and reading several tutorials, I was off and sewing. For me, the pre-cut fabrics are a blessing for this novice quilter. No cutting errors or slipping of the rotary blade (ouch!), just put the pattern together, piece and sew. The challenge is to know when to stop buying fabric. It is SO easy to build a stash of fabric for that "someday project" (especially when there is such a beautiful fabric store near my house I'm beginning to wonder if a 12-step program should be considered.
If you are thinking about the hobby for yourself, a bit of advice - invest in a couple of necessary tools to minimize seam ripping (I wrote "minimize" not "eliminate"). These include a 1/4-inch foot and a walking foot. You see, if you are like me, I am incapable of keeping my seams to 1/4 "scant inch" without help. That little foot is the BEST for piecing fabric together and the walking foot keeps the layers of fabric from puckering on the underneath side of the quilt sandwich. I will admit that prior to finding these little gems I was teetering on the idea of finding a new, less exasperating hobby altogether, as I do not enjoy seam ripping. It is neither relaxing or pleasurable as an activity. However, I would also have to contend with the fabric in the closet (you have no idea) and what to do with all of THAT. Well, no worries now!
So nine months into my hobby I have gifted multiple table runners and a few simple throw quilts but now I am ready for a big project - the guest room bed. Oh yeah, the guest room is getting it own special quilt. Not quite put together but you get the general idea of what the topper will look like. There is still quite a bit of work to do but my goal is to have it completed by the end of May, then on the Christmas presents. I have some dandy ideas for this year! ;)


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Dream Job

Ever think about your "dream job"? My dream job would be a Chocolatier with my own chocolate shop, like Cocoa Dolce ( in my home town of Wichita, Kansas. This is one of the most special places to go when I visit the family back home. Its a required destination. A little slice of heaven.

Chocolate is a passion, I don't have a favorite flavor...well maybe I do... but I will keep that to myself. One's chocolate preference is as unique as each of our personalities. We are as particular about our chocolate as we are about art, coffee, or wine. What I feel certain about is that when you taste the morsel of chocolate that satisfies every craving and fills every void within you...THAT is a moment of pure pleasure. Whatever pleasure synapses that are going off in the brain, few other experiences compare to chocolate nirvana. Yes, that is how I describe that moment... chocolate nirvana.

Therein lies the rationale for my dream job - to bring chocolate nirvana to the masses. What else could be so gratifying as to spend the day creating and delivering joy to so many people. Don't be surprised to read a blog one day about the challenges of Cordon Bleu Chocolatier School...that is...AFTER I about 15 years....stay tuned. ;)

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