Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Power of a Hot Toddy

You may have noticed my absence this past week. Aside from starting up a new project that has been massively time consuming, I managed to catch this nasty respiratory bug that has been floating around. Typically I find myself immune to illness. I chalk it up to years of flying every week around all sorts of icky germs and figured my body is impenetrable. NOT! 

Fortunately, I was feeling the worst of it when I had dinner with a few girlfriends the other night and our server...Michael...insisted that I allow him to bring over a remedy that his Irish Catholic grandmother swore was tried and true...the Hot Toddy. 

I must say, my voice was much clearer after drinking the concoction. I also recommend holding your nose when you drink it because that is one seriously STRONG beverage. I'm sure it killed every germ in my system. If you want to try grandma's remedy, here's the recipe. A good lo fashioned cure for what ails you.

1 oz brandy, whisky, or rum

1 Tbsp honey
1/4 lemon
1 cup hot water
1 tea bag

Coat the bottom of a mug with honey, Add the liquor and the juice of the lemon quarter. On the side, heat water and add the tea bag to make hot tea. Pour the steaming tea into the glass and stir. 


  1. I knew there was a recipe of sorts but did not have it a few weeks ago when I got the crud. I will save this for the next time which will be a long time coming I hope. Like you, I rarely get sick. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Anna, I am so glad that you are on the other side of this illness. It was wonderful to see you and I look forward to spending time together soon! <3 Michelle :)

  3. Much love to both of you (Jo and Michelle)! It was great to see both of you last week. ;)


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