Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Mail

In this fast-paced world where emails have virtually replaced snail mail altogether, isn't it nice when every now and then you visit your mailbox and find a note card from a friend? Its the first piece of mail that you open, anxious to see what could have easily been sent as an email or text but your friend chose to write the thought by hand, place that little stamp on it and keep the secret until you found the sweet surprise awaiting your receipt. 

I'm a big fan of the handwritten note. I like creating my own cards and sending out little bits of sunshine. It only takes a few moments and can completely brighten someone's day. That just doesn't happen with a text message. 

Lets make an effort to keep the art of a hand-written note alive, despite the instant gratification that technology rewards us. Some things ARE worth waiting for. ;)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Lap Dogs

Its strange the things that you see that make you immediately miss someone in your life...even if the "something" is completely annoying. I saw this cartoon on FB and had to share it. Obviously someone in the world (that draws much better than I could ever think of drawing) lives my frustration. Today is one of those days that I would love to be dealing with that 85-lb. lap puppy. This is for you Burton. Mommy will be home in a couple more days. ;)
Burton crashes out on the recliner

Facebook Movie

My 17-year-old has told me numerous times now that Facebook is for "old people". If that is so, then I am totally good with that revelation. At least it keeps the twerking and party pictures to a minimum.

This "old" person happens to enjoy Facebook. How else would I be able to stay connected with family and friends in my crazy hectic world? What a wonderful history of family events, happiness, sorrows, vacations, engagements, recipes...the list goes on and on. Today was an extra special Facebook day. I made my Facebook movie. What a treat! Have you created yours?

You know, as I enjoyed the movies of my friends out there in cyberspace, I was reminded that Facebook has done something very unique, it has created communities of people. Connected thousands of us together so that no one should ever feel "alone". So, thank you Mark Z. and the Facebook team for the gift to all of us "old people" so that we can keep in touch with the friends that have crossed our paths over the years and and can still be a part of our life no matter where on this planet we happen to be.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Counting the Days

I've been taking this winter thing pretty least until today, when all of Overland Park is closed and the snow intends to keep falling for another few hours. How fortunate I am to live where days like this are  few and far between. Reality check - I may "live" in a warm climate, but truth be told, I rarely "live" in a warm climate. Home is currently Kansas and this cold windy winter is my world. Better start embracing that idea huh?!

This year I intend to take a respite from the winter weather. Soon I will immerse myself in copious amounts of sunshine, imbibe on countless umbrella drinks, frolic in the ocean, and relax on the sand.

Oh yeah... just gotta suck it up for a few more cold weeks and then....PARADISE...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
ARGGGGHHHH.....Oh Great!...just caught the first twinge of pre-vacation OCD anxiety. Darn snow....its all your fault!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Chocolate Bags...the Edible Kind!

Few things on this planet are as delightful as a Chocolate Bag from McCormick and Schmicks (part of the Landry's restaurants). Fresh berries, white chocolate mousse, surrounded by a decedent dark chocolate bag. Incredible.

If you haven't figured out what romantic plans to make for next week and you have a Landry's Restaurant near you....may be about time to make a reservation for February 14th...ya know...I LOVE YOU DAY!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Exceeding Expectations

My idea of GREAT customer service - Consistently exceed your customer's expectations. What does that mean? Who knows? One person's expectations may be different from another...BUT...when its being know it.

Take my recent stay at the Sheraton, for example - I fall into bed last week in the middle of the afternoon. I was so miserable as my body conceded defeat to the flu bug. I just wanted to be at home in my jammies...doggies at my feet, under my favorite uber-soft blanket.

Around 6pm I woke up and felt the need for some food. I called down to the restaurant and was greeted by John, the restaurant manager. He heard the misery in my voice and asked if I would like some complimentary soup and Sprite. It was SOOO sweet. I nearly, I did cry. When the tray arrived it not only had my meal (comp'd) but a special get well card from the restaurant. This is what "exceeding expectations" is all about.

Thank you John and the Sheraton Hotel for taking such great care of me while I am working in Kansas. Your compassion made it bearable to be sick and away from the comforts of my home!

The Power of a Hot Toddy

You may have noticed my absence this past week. Aside from starting up a new project that has been massively time consuming, I managed to catch this nasty respiratory bug that has been floating around. Typically I find myself immune to illness. I chalk it up to years of flying every week around all sorts of icky germs and figured my body is impenetrable. NOT! 

Fortunately, I was feeling the worst of it when I had dinner with a few girlfriends the other night and our server...Michael...insisted that I allow him to bring over a remedy that his Irish Catholic grandmother swore was tried and true...the Hot Toddy. 

I must say, my voice was much clearer after drinking the concoction. I also recommend holding your nose when you drink it because that is one seriously STRONG beverage. I'm sure it killed every germ in my system. If you want to try grandma's remedy, here's the recipe. A good lo fashioned cure for what ails you.

1 oz brandy, whisky, or rum

1 Tbsp honey
1/4 lemon
1 cup hot water
1 tea bag

Coat the bottom of a mug with honey, Add the liquor and the juice of the lemon quarter. On the side, heat water and add the tea bag to make hot tea. Pour the steaming tea into the glass and stir. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wine Lovers Gift

Always love discovering cool things for my house...don't you? Even sweeter is when your husband MAKES the cool things for the house! Upon arriving home from a business trip this week I was gifted with a new wine holder. Apparently this is the newest addition to the products that Nick has created for his business. Three colors- light, medium, and dark. Can you get one? Of course! He is selling them for $15.00, plus postage (wine is not included). So clever!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Looking Forward to a Sweet Weekend

My friend, Sandy, and I are trading "creations" next week. She is, among other amazing talents, an artist who makes stained glass, candles and jewelry. I....well....I bake. So, as a trade for a special creation of hers....I am going to make Sandy some extra yummy sugar cookies to snack on while she is working in Kansas next week. 

If you don't have an killer sugar cookie  recipe - use mine. It is the favorite every time.

Mom's Rolled Sugar Cookies

3/4 cup butter (softened)
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder 
1/2 tsp salt

In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cover, and chill dough for at least one hour (or overnight). Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Roll out dough on floured surface 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. Cut into shapes with any cookie cutter. Place cookies 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 6 to 8 minutes in preheated oven. Cool completely. Frost and decorate. Makes about 2 dozen cookies depending on size of the cookie cutter.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You'll love this!

Hey girlie girls, next time you bundle up, try something new with your scarf. What an attractive way to wrap up. Be prepared for a few compliments.  :)

Ash Street Inn...a bucket list item for sure!

I'm working in Manchester, New Hampshire this week. Despite the temperatures dipping a lot further down than I'd prefer, this is a wonderful city to visit. My company booked a few of us at the Ash Street Inn during our stay. By far and away, one of the most wonderful B&B's I've visited. I was given Room 205. I will ask for it every other time I am privileged to visit our headquarter office. Stunning, cozy, and has a hint of Downton Abbey feel to it.

Ahhhh...waking up in a super comfortable bed, slipping on the plush Ash Street Robe, and having a cup of delicious gourmet coffee, all within the first 10 minutes of being awake. After I was ready to take on the day, I went to the dining room, where I was met by Eric (the inn-keeper) and introduced to the breakfast fare for the morning - juice, fruits, scones, and a cook to order breakfast (anything I'd like). Too perfect for words! MUST STAY GROUNDED!!! This is princess treatment ( it).

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Bedford Village Inn...Incredible

Okay, so lets just say you make it up to New England and want to eat somewhere EXTRA special...few locations can compare to the Bedford Village Inn located in Bedford, New Hampshire. 

The Bedford Village Inn was once the site of a working farm built in 1810. Through a multi-million dollar restoration, the original residence became the home of what is now an acclaimed AAA Four Diamond Restaurant and Inn. I took a few pictures but the best way to see the property is to click on the link and tour the Inn through the gorgeous pictures on their homepage.

What did I order for my dinner??? I started out with their signature Manhattan, followed by an appetizer of cheese, peppered walnuts, honey, and grapes, and then I had a Steak Cobb Salad for my entree. Incredibly delicious!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Me Time

Time to get pampered before heading up to New Hampshire for a few days! Hair cut, eye brows waxed, manicure, and a pedicure...oh yeah, the full beauty treatment...and its not even my birthday, just a ME day. 

Austin has quite a selection of salons. My favorite is the Aveda Salon in Round Rock. Customers are treated extra special.  Beverages are provided, hand and scalp massages are complimentary, and best of all, my stylist, Mia, knows just how to make me feel like a million bucks! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Its Okay to Be Uncomfortable

Isn't it interesting that the ONLY time we seek significant change in our lives is when we are UNCOMFORTABLE? Think about it...when do we decide to take off a few pounds??? Change jobs??? Start a new hobby??? Embrace new relationships...or terminate old ones??? All of these choices take place when we are uncomfortable. Its really when put aside the emotion and recognize that a change needs to take place that great things happen for us. So the next time you feel a little outside of yourself or displeased with your current situation recognize that the discomfort is a physiological response to what's taking place in the environment. Maybe its time for change...and change can be a GOOD thing. Just something to think about. ;)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy Friday!

Good morning and Happy Friday to you!!!

As you spend the day planning what your weekend is going to entail, how about one idea to get you started? Have you seen Frozen? Surpassing the Hobbit at the box office and up for a Golden Globe, Frozen has taken over the theaters and people are L-O-V-I-N-G it. Hunter, my 20-year old football player, even endorsed it! Yep, this is on my list for Saturday. A feel good Disney movie, popcorn, and a diet coke. Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Candy Crush it for You????

Call it the Midwesterner in me, but when I go to a business meeting, I consider being on time as "late". I pretty much arrive 15 minutes early to everything. The other day I arrived at a meeting in Oklahoma. I was early (shocker) and was asked to wait as the Director was finishing some things up and would be with me shortly. The planned meeting time came and went and then it was 20 minutes past the hour. One of the staff members came out to see if I wanted coffee as it might be another 10-15 minutes. I asked if the Director was going to be much longer in her other meeting and the staff member said, "oh, she's not in a meeting, she's playing Candy Crush". WHAT???? I'm waiting in a lobby for 30 minutes past our meeting time so she can play a GAME??!!!

I play Candy Crush on occasion and I admit, its a fun brain-teaser. The game keeps me coming back when I have another set of 5 lives. But really....addicted???? There is more to life than fixating on a little screen to clear a bunch of jellies. Should I get to the place where I am building my schedule around the next life I am given it will be time to delete the game, admit that I have a problem, and find a 12-Step program for Candy Crushers...oh, and apologize to everyone in my life that I have brushed off so that I could play a game for hours on end. HELL-OO! Wake up call! You can do it....just walk away.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Caramel Flan Latte...Delish!

When I had my coffee shops several years ago, my business model mirrored Starbucks. Really, why not? If you are going to do something, look at who is doing it the best and learn from it. I've had a lot of great coffee over the years but no coffee chain does customer service like Starbucks. I especially like waking up in the morning and finding a message telling me about their latest and greatest java beverage. Today it was the Camel Flan Latte with caramel infused whipped cream and caramel drizzle. OMG! What a delight! Way to go Starbucks! You have exceeded my expectations, once again!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Baby its Cold Outside...for Your Dog Too!

Connor gives Burton and Peka
their Christmas presents.
In Austin its not quite so cold...comparatively. The high today is going to be 39 degrees. For a gal that has enjoyed 50 degree winter weather, this is cold. I know, what am I complaining about? My son, Andrew, is in Pueblo, CO. with -2 degrees, and Michelle, a girlfriend of mine up in Chicago is dealing with -14 at the moment. At least I get 50's back tomorrow and should be in the 60's on Wednesday (right, now I'm bragging).

Look, cold! At what point does it really matter how cold it is? When your body gets to a certain cold threshold whether its 40 degrees outside or 2 degrees, its just downright cold!

Be smart out there - its not the temperature that's brutal, the wind chill is what can hurt you. Make sure you are not only taking care of yourself but take care of your pets too. If you are are they! I have a next-door neighbor with a dog, Rocko, that stays out 100% of the time. He's a Rottie. The neighbor believes that because he is fed, watered, and has a nice doghouse that he's well cared for. Right?!!!!  WRONG!!!! I'm considering the discussion of alternative housing options with Rocko. If he knew that there are families that would love him, play with him, and let him curl up at the foot of the bed every now and then, maybe have a nice big rawhide from Santa at Christmas, I'm fairly certain that he would say, "Ciao" to his current family and enjoy better quality of life somewhere else.

It amazes me how people many people are interested in pets for the short-term but not the long-haul. Having a pet, especially a dog, is like adopting a child for the next 15 years. Its a long-term commitment. We would never think of putting a child outside for days and days and not speak to them or play with them. Why is it okay to treat the four-legged family member that way? Its abusive...awful...and heartbreaking.

Opinion stated. Rant over.

Stay safe and warm folks and make sure to keep those four-legged family members warm as well. ;)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Downton Abbey Addict

I gave up television years ago for a host of reasons, but mainly, time. One show...well, there are actually three shows that I have become a faithful viewer...but one in particular has me giddy with excitement as the premiere of Downton Abbey - Season 4 begins tonight on Masterpiece Theater.

The fever began last year when my bestie, Laura, told me she was watching some fabulous show on Masterpiece. I decided to grab a couple episodes off of Netflix and see what all the hype was about. Yep, Laura honed in on my weakness for the time period, the writing, humor, heartache, and characters who make this show uniquely superior to most any other. I was hooked! I binge watched two seasons over a couple weeks during the holiday and then impatiently waited for the third season to arrive via Netflix every few days and between business trips so that I could catch up.When Season 3 concluded, I found myself emotionally touched by the circumstances of the most recent tragedy. All I wanted was another episode! Downton had become my addiction. Then the BAD news...I would have to wait for nearly a full year until I could find out what happens next. Are these people insane! Do they not understand that our culture doesn't WAIT for ANYTHING anymore. A year? Really?! So I did it. Cold-turkey. Avoiding the spoilers on-line (but soooo wanting to read them). Now the wait is over!

Time to bake up some tea cakes and brew some Earl Grey in preparation for this impending event! Cheers!;)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pay It Forward

Have you ever been in the drive-thru at Starbucks, you pull up to pay for your order and the sweetheart at the window says, "the car in front of you paid for your coffee, have a great day"?

If it never happened to you, I hope that one day it does. Its has actually happened to me several times and only motivates me to "pay it forward" for the next patron. It feels GOOD when you get that tiny moment of validation that people like doing nice things for other people. Its good karma folks!

If you are reading this and have PAID IT FORWARD for someone in the past, THANK YOU (that might have been me, and it made my day!) If you have never ever paid it forward...try it sometime. You have no idea how good it will make you feel...puts a smile on your face as you peek in your rear view mirror and drive away. ;)


I'm not new to the blogger world, just new to the personal blogging environment. Now its time to write for me. Kinda like having a cup of coffee with a good friend.

When you visit my blog you might be in search of some inspiration. Maybe its a travel tip. It could be a review of a book, movie, or travel destination. Perhaps you're just looking for a fabulous treat to bake. Its possible you will find any one of those delicious goodies right here...on occasion you may just have a bit of a rant to enjoy. I can be pretty passionate about issues that are near and dear to my heart.

Welcome new friend. Its nice to meet you. ;)

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Holiday Gift Idea #2: Something for the Furry Kids

I can't lie, my fur-babies are, without a doubt, more privileged than my sons could have ever dreamed. A good example is bedtime - Pictu...